Some good, some not so much

Today, 5 years ago, I had a clash with a motorbike. Pedestrians come off very badly, so do NOT try it! I landed on my face. Necessitating reconstruction: I am now bionic, I have titanium in my face! 15 new teeth: and they’re straight and fine! But, by far, the worst injury was to my eyes. I’ve now had 11 ops/procedures to them. I was told only 30% of injuries like mine have any sight at all. The left eye necessitated a new lens, I got a distance lens in that eye. The badly damaged right eye has been a real challenge, and had 8 of the procedures. One of the problems is that I have a blown pupil, and the new lens was meant for reading, crafting, computer, ie close up. The eye just will not cooperate! I suffered some brain damage, this is one area relating to that. My right eye should be seeing well, but my brain won’t let it!
Anyway, after 4 1/2 years, the healing and stability of vision meant I was finally able to get reading glasses that allow me to see better close up.  Problem is, if I look up with my glasses on, I get seasick! Weird. The Optometrist also picked up that the left lens was becoming encapsulated, causing my distance vision to become blurred. I had to have a laser procedure to remove that, before I could get variefocal lenses for glasses that stay on all day. Yesterday I had the procedure. It went brilliantly! I can see clearly to a really good distance. In 3- 4 weeks I’ll go for new variefocals! That’s the good news. Great news! But I have a chronic infection in both eyes, and need treatment for 6 months with antibiotics, drops, gels etc. Not good!
I also went to the GP because I have a “yucky” wrist according to my grandson 🙂 . I have had a ganglion removed from this wrist before, and have two more popping up looking yucky. Another one is internal. I have no feeling in 3 fingers. Off to Orthopedic Surgeon today. Bad news.
I’ve had asthma for a long time, pretty well controlled. Jan/Feb this year I had pneumonia twice, and have been having problems since. Doc sent me for chest xrays. Pneumonia again. Sheesh! Bad news
From there son and I went to dentist. I was going for a refill in a tooth I keep grinding the life out of, and to fit a new crown on a tooth that was only slightly damaged in the accident, but had been “porcelained”. I cracked it open. The dentist was delayed by an hour. It has never happened before, but between an emergency and the lab being late delivering, it was chaos. So we waited and had lunch. My son went in as planned, I had the next app. But I felt so sick, my app was gladly postponed, bring in all the next apps to order. My son is having all 4 wisdom teeth out under sedation later today.
He has abscesses under 2 of them, fortunately draining. Bad news.
Oh well, we’ll undergo our ops/procedures and come out better.
I won’t be crafting for a time, nor blogging much. My eyes need rest!
Other good news, the Grandies are coming agin over the weekend! Woo hoo!

I saw the Orthopedic Surgeon today. Once again I am among the rarest of people! Ganglions do not occur where mine are. I also have nerve impingement. He has taken blood for an arthritis profile. The bone beneath the ganglions has holes in them, so there is something else going on he says. Depending on the results next Tuesday, he may operate Thursday. Why must everything be a Big Production in my life 🙂
My son had his 4 wisdom teth extracted a couple of hours ago. No problems. He has a fabulous sense of humour normally, but we’ve been in hysterics at his loop-de-loop mutterings and observations as he wakes up. 🙂

22 thoughts on “Some good, some not so much

  1. Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry to learn about all this. You have had many struggles! I couldn’t click the like button on this one. Sending you lots and lots of healing wishes!
    (I think you and I belong to the same club as far as “rare” situations go. I have “rare” side effects from drugs, “rare” conditions, surgeries for “rare” problems that just “never happen” according to my doctor, etc. etc.)


  2. Sending you prayers and blessings for healing light and divine intervention… You are a miracle… Sorry to hear about your health struggles… Blessings!


  3. Oh Charlene..the post was a roller coaster..I am so sorry you are having to deal with all this. I always thought I was special as I seem to have the unusual reaction to things and it takes forever to get over an infections..I am sending you many healing hugs…Michelle


  4. A gripping life says:

    I’m relieved to hear that you vision has improved. I can’t imagine how awful that would be especially for someone with your lust for life. I’m so sorry for all the other crap that you’re going through. A person with a lesser attitude would curl up and die. ( I’m speaking of myself of course! )
    You continue to be my inspiration. : )
    Have fun with your Grandies!!!!


  5. Wow what you need is a big group hug and power from above… this all sounds so traumatic and yet you come across so blase about it all… You wonderful person you, you give others food for thought when we complain because we have a mere headache… Keep your chin up as you are and be an inspiration to all around you… enjoy the Grand kids… spoil them rotten, its our right as Grand parents…


    • Thank you for such lovely words, I’m really touched. It is only by God’s grace that I am here, and pretty much whole – although my family reckon my mind went AWOL after the accident lol!
      I saw my admitting doctor a few months ago, she couldn’t believe I was the same person. She didn’t think I’d survive, or have any good outcome. Hubby was told to prepare for the worst. But our first grandson was on the way, I just HAD to be better by then. Or compis mentis, and able to hold him in my arms. God is good!


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