
Weekly Photo Challenge: Rule of Thirds

The Rule of Thirds is a photography concept that puts the subject of the photograph off-center, which usually results in blank space in the rest of the image. If you focus closely on your subject and use a wide aperture, your photograph’s background will also be beautifully blurred in that blank space. The blurred area behind your focal point is referred to as bokeh, and when executed well, it adds depth and artistry to an otherwise simplistic photograph.

DSC08896 ??????????????????????????????? Flowers Sept 09 (18)


Weekly Photo Challenge: Rule of Thirds

This week, compose your subject off-center, obeying the Rule of Thirds.
The Rule of Thirds is a photography concept that puts the subject of the photograph off-center, which usually results in blank space in the rest of the image. If you focus closely on your subject and use a wide aperture, your photograph’s background will also be beautifully blurred in that blank space. The blurred area behind your focal point is referred to as bokeh, and when executed well, it adds depth and artistry to an otherwise simplistic photograph.

This photo was taken after a 3-day fire-fight on our farm.
The fire affected 7 farms, taking the grazing.
Thankfully, all of us had just finished harvesting the corn.
It was bad!

where there is smoke...

where there is smoke…


Weekly Photo Challenge: Symmetry


Oooh, my first thought was
“My face”!
as in, it’s NOT!

28 March 2007

28 March 2007

25 July 2007

A motorbike smashed into me, lifting me ,
throwing me through the air,
and I landed on my face.

25 Jul 07 7.40pm

Symmetry: NOT!

26 July 2007 16h10 (3)

 feeling better than I look!

27 July 07 5.20pm

20 August 2012
Looking much better
assymetrical, but BETTER


9 March 2013
some hair styling magic
it’s barely noticeable


Thanks to a brilliant Maxillo-Facial surgeon
with some titanium,
well-placed surgery and delicate stitches;
A great Eye Surgeon
and some 10 surgeries later;
and an equally great Specialist Dentist
and some 15 “new” teeth!
I feel good!


Weekly Photo Challenge: Scale 2

My husband is 6 foot 4 inches


1,82m tall

This is Dune 7
outside Walvis Bay
A Sand Dune in the Namib Desert

That’s my husband climbing to the top

Ray summitting Dune 7

Dubbed by the Namibia Ministry of Environment and Tourism as the highest sand dune in the world, you need to see Dune 7 to believe it. The 1,256-foot or 383m dune got its name because it is the seventh dune past the Tsauchab River, which runs through part of the Namib Desert. The desert itself, believed to be dry for at least 55 million years, is considered the oldest in the world, so make sure you spend some time exploring it while you’re here.


Weekly Photo Challenge: New

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “New.”

New: Climate Change

Within just 4 months of 2014,
we experienced our first earthquake;
our first massive sandstorm,
which hit 4 provinces of South Africa on this day;
a fire that burned for 3 days, and over 6 farms;
and a flash flood, with hail and wind that wiped out a couple of our roads.

If you hover over the photo, it will briefly explain…

Is this the “new” world we have made for ourselves