One Lovely Blog Award

Dear George,
Thank you so much for the nomination.

I think you are one of the sweetest people here.
I love your blogs
varied, interesting and well-written.
We share a passion for parrots
among other things too.
Bless you and thank you.

Seven Things About Me

I have a Congo African Grey Parrot. He will only allow me to touch, feed and groom without threatening or biting. Silly thing
I have green eyes, and greying, once auburny/browny hair.
I was a Bible teacher to adults, teens and children.
I can whistle through my fingers. Loudly!
I was a very good shot, before my eyes were injured.
I’ve sung solo on stage, and back-up on a record.
I used to act and dance in the theatre, now I do it at home.

Passing along the One Lovely Blog Award

Ronnie Morris




The Guat

Mirth and Motivation

Curmudgeon At Large

Island Traveler

The Wish Factor


Journey Back To Words

Creativity Aroused

Rambling Woods

Cheryl Merrill


I love all my followed bloggers, and would like to give all of you this award, if onl;y, to know more about you! Blessings and love xxx

The Tell Me all About Yourself Award

Ooh, another award. I’m loving this, but I’m wondering what to say about myself? 🙂

In accord with the ‘rules & regs’ …………..

1. You will need to Thank the person that nominated you first and link the blog to that person. Colline of Collinesblog nominated me for this award. Thank you so much, I appreciate it very much. Colline has a wonderful blog about all sorts of interesting things. She puts interesting topics forth, researches well, and writes beautifully. She also asks you questions that are sometimes hard to get to grips with.

2. Tell the world 7 things we might find interesting about you.

I was born in Ndola, Zambia
I have met and chatted with 3 heads of State: President Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia, Prime Minister Ian Smith of Rhodesia, and President Ian Khama of Botswana.
I have met and chatted with Chikwenya, Matriarch of a small elephant herd.
I am the honourary daughter of a Bemba tribe in Zambia, led by Chief Chiwala.
I am the mother of a kitten rescued by my Great Dane at 3 days old. A Butcher bird baby, who nested in my hair. A newborn, abandoned Duiker (buck) who is now master of a small lodge!
I have a craft room the size of a small shop!
I hate mess

3. Then you add your nominees.
Libby of
Martin of
Lisa of
stephen of
Harry from
Eliz of
Ruth of

4. Contact the people you have nominated.

The Versatile Bloggers Award

It is a great pleasure to have been nominated for this award, and fun too!
I looked it up and this is what it is about:

What exactly is the Versatile Blogger’s Award? It is a way bloggers can support each other and recognize versatile, interesting and helpful blogs.
There are a few rules to follow when you accept the award.

1. Thank the person who nominates you and link back to them in your posts.
2. Share seven things about yourself.
3. Pass the award on to fifteen more bloggers that you enjoy.
4. Contact the people you have nominated.

So! Thank you to Danielle Harris from for nominating me for this award. I love your blog, learning about you and your life. I look forward to getting to know you better too.

Seven things about me:

1 I am ambidextrous, as was my mom! I had an op on my right(ing) arm, but signed cheques with my left. No queries, I was amused!
2 I trained as a Make-up Artist for Film, Television, Photographic and Stage/Ramp. That was fun! We practiced on one another and would go to lunch in whatever make-up we’d practiced. 70-year-old faces with young bodies, shark bite victims, non the worse for wear, clown, witch, model faces. Body art, whatever!
3 My last job was as a qualified Estate Agent. I’d probably still be there, and rich, if not for the accident that put paid to my career.
4 I designed jewellery for a short time, and am re-designing my wedding and engagement rings now. They have taken a beating and stones are loose!
5 I have made furniture, and am hoping to make a storage unit for my office as soon as I find time.
6 I have never left Africa, but have been to Seychelles and Mauritius. Perfection!
7 My husband and I renewed our vows informally after 10 years, and will be doing it again later this year, at 29 1/2 years, before we go on an overseas holiday to Italy!

My Nominees are:
Kate from
Nia from
Mike Hardisty from
Rob from
Danielle from
Jenn from

If you haven’t met, pop in for a visit.
Love Charlene



nominated me for this award
and I am so humbled and excited to accept

Thank you!!!

I’ve only been blogging for a little over a month now,
Francine was one of my first visitors.
I love her photos and stories.
What a lovely way to spend your retirement.
She’s always there with nice things to say, and now this!
I’m so happy you have followed me Francine 🙂

Seven things about myself:

  1. I am 53. I am very, very accident prone, so this is amazing!
  2. I am writing 2 books. One is about the animals I have encountered and experienced along my way. It is about 2/3 done.
    The other is a book my father started, but died before it was finished. I want to finish it before I die. It is a sort of memoir.
  3. My mother died before my 10th birthday. She was murdered.
  4. My father died just weeks after his 39th birthday. A rare organ-eating bacteria killed him within 3 days.
  5. I have a sister and brother. A half-brother. A step-brother and step-sister. 2 Step-mothers.
  6. I am a Christian. I was Jewish.
  7. I love the internet!

I would love to nominate:

  1. Colline a fellow South African! She was another of my first contacts!!  Bless you
  2. George Weaver a lovely lady. Bless you!
  3. Michelle A sweet, tender soul that is dear to me. Bless you!
  4. Jenn makes me snort coffee back through my nose soooo often! Bless you!
  5. Ailsa who challenged us all, and is fantastic. Bless you!
  6. Sonel ANOTHER South African whose blog is wonderful. Bless you!
  7. Lisa you wont believe it, South African too! Loving your blog! Bless you!This has been great!